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Dictionary: English to Creole

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(run) very fast
Kreyòl : tout boulin
English : (run) very fast
Français : (courir) très vite
Español : (correrr) muy rápido
Português : (correr) muito rápido

(to be) very very sick, (to be) in a critical condition
Kreyòl : byenmal
English : (to be) very very sick, (to be) in a critical condition
Français : (être) très très malade, (être) dans un état critique
Español : (estar) muy muy enfermo, (estar) en una condición crítica
Português : (estar) muito, muito doente, (estar) em estado crítico.

(very) hard work
Kreyòl : travay pete fyèl
English : (very) hard work
Français : (très) dur travail
Español : (trabajo muy duro
Português : (muito) trabalho árduo.

aaae : Ex : "AAA" commonly refers to the highest credit rating issued by credit rating agencies, indicating a very low credit risk.
Kreyòl : aaa
English : aaae : Ex : "AAA" commonly refers to the highest credit rating issued by credit rating agencies, indicating a very low credit risk.
Français : aaae : Ex : « AAA » fait communément référence à la note de crédit la plus élevée émise par les agences de notation de crédit, indiquant un risque de crédit très faible.
Español : aaae: Ej: "AAA" comúnmente se refiere a la calificación crediticia más alta emitida por las agencias de calificación crediticia, lo que indica un riesgo crediticio muy bajo.
Português : aaae: Ex: "AAA" geralmente se refere à classificação de crédito mais alta emitida por agências de classificação de crédito, indicando um risco de crédito muito baixo.

abandonment : Ex : The abandonment of the project left everyone disappointed.
Kreyòl : abandon
English : abandonment : Ex : The abandonment of the project left everyone disappointed.
Français : abandon : Ex : L'abandon du projet a laissé tout le monde déçu.
Español : abandono: Ej: El abandono del proyecto dejó a todos decepcionados.
Português : abandono: Ex: O abandono do projeto deixou todos decepcionados.

ability : Ex : Her ability to learn quickly impressed everyone. [n]
Kreyòl : abilite
English : ability : Ex : Her ability to learn quickly impressed everyone.
Français : capacité, habilité : Ex : Sa capacité à apprendre rapidement a impressionné tout le monde.
Español : Habilidad: Ej: Su habilidad para aprender rápidamente impresionó a todos.
Português : habilidade: Ex: Sua capacidade de aprender rapidamente impressionou a todos.

abstain : Ex : (Everyone demanded that Angus put on the kilt, but he did not want to do it and abstained. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : abstrenn
English : abstain : Ex : (Everyone demanded that Angus put on the kilt, but he did not want to do it and abstained.
Français : s'abstenir : Ex : (Tout le monde a exigé qu'Angus mette le kilt, mais il n'a pas voulu le faire et s'est abstenu.
Español : abstenerse: Ej: (Todos exigieron que Angus se pusiera el kilt, pero él no quiso hacerlo y se abstuvo.
Português : abster-se: Ex: (Todos exigiram que Angus colocasse o kilt, mas ele não quis e se absteve.

abstruse : Ex : Everyone else in the class understood geometry easily, but John found the subject abstruse. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : abstrus
English : abstruse : Ex : Everyone else in the class understood geometry easily, but John found the subject abstruse.
Français : abstrus : Ex : Tous les autres membres de la classe comprenaient facilement la géométrie, mais John trouvait le sujet abstrus.
Español : abstruso: Ej: Todos los demás en la clase entendían la geometría fácilmente, pero John encontró el tema abstruso.
Português : abstruso: Ex: Todos os outros alunos da turma entendiam geometria facilmente, mas John achou o assunto obscuro.

accolade : Ex : After winning the Nobel Prize, Sam received accolades from everyone. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : rekonpans
English : accolade : Ex : After winning the Nobel Prize, Sam received accolades from everyone.
Français : distinction : Ex : Après avoir remporté le prix Nobel, Sam a reçu les distinctions de tout le monde.
Español : galardón: Ej: Después de ganar el Premio Nobel, Sam recibió elogios de todos.
Português : elogio: Ex: Depois de ganhar o Prêmio Nobel, Sam recebeu elogios de todos.

affront : Ex : Bernardo was very touchy, and took any slight as an affront to his honor [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : afwont
English : affront : Ex : Bernardo was very touchy, and took any slight as an affront to his honor
Français : affront : Ex : Bernardo était très susceptible, et prenait tout affront comme un affront à son honneur
Español : afrenta: Ej: Bernardo era muy susceptible, y tomaba cualquier desaire como una afrenta a su honor
Português : afronta: Ex: Bernardo era muito melindroso e considerava qualquer desrespeito uma afronta à sua honra

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to very.

(to be) very very sick, (to be) in a critical condition, bitter as gall, very bitter, very difficult (situation), very , very , very , (very) hard work, aaae , affront , agnostic , animated , antiseptic , as , community , conjonction , emollient , fast, very fast, in a wink of time, fast, very fast, in a wink of time, fast, very fast, in a wink of time, fast, very fast, in a wink of time.

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