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Dictionary: English to Creole

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verbose : Ex : The verbose teacher spent two hours explaining the topic, which should have only taken fifteen minutes. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : verbose
English : verbose : Ex : The verbose teacher spent two hours explaining the topic, which should have only taken fifteen minutes.
Français : verbeux : Ex : Le professeur verbeux a passé deux heures à expliquer le sujet, ce qui n'aurait dû prendre que quinze minutes.
Español : detallado: Ej: El profesor detallado pasó dos horas explicando el tema, lo que sólo debería haber tomado quince minutos.
Português : detalhado: Ex: O professor prolixo passou duas horas explicando o assunto, o que deveria levar apenas quinze minutos.

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