We couldn't find exact results for "turn".
Here are some results close to "turn".
feet and make two turns Kreyòl : zzzz
English :
feet and make two turns
feet with two turns Kreyòl : zzzz
English :
feet with two turns
(v.), turn (v.) Kreyòl : vire do
English :
(v.), turn (v.) Français :
(v.), tourner (v.) Español :
(v.), girar (v.) Português :
(v.), virar (v.)
Able to return Kreyòl : zzzz
English :
Able to return
allay : Ex : The chairman of the Federal Reserve delivered a speech in an attempt to allay investors' concerns regarding an economic downturn. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : soulaje
English :
allay : Ex : The chairman of the Federal Reserve delivered a speech in an attempt to allay investors' concerns regarding an economic downturn. Français :
apaiser : Ex : Le président de la Réserve fédérale a prononcé un discours pour tenter d'apaiser les inquiétudes des investisseurs concernant un ralentissement économique. Español :
disipar: Ej: El presidente de la Reserva Federal pronunció un discurso en un intento de disipar las preocupaciones de los inversores sobre una recesión económica. Português :
acalmar: Ex: O presidente do Federal Reserve fez um discurso na tentativa de acalmar as preocupações dos investidores em relação a uma crise econômica.
allege : Ex : The policeman had alleged that Marshall committed the crime, but after the investigation turned up no evidence, Marshall was set free. [n.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : akize
English :
allege : Ex : The policeman had alleged that Marshall committed the crime, but after the investigation turned up no evidence, Marshall was set free. Français :
alléguer : Ex : Le policier avait allégué que Marshall avait commis le crime, mais après que l'enquête n'a révélé aucune preuve, Marshall a été libéré. Español :
alegar: Ejemplo: El policía había alegado que Marshall cometió el crimen, pero después de que la investigación no encontró pruebas, Marshall fue puesto en libertad. Português :
alegar: Ex: O policial alegou que Marshall cometeu o crime, mas depois que a investigação não encontrou nenhuma evidência, Marshall foi libertado.
Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Kreyòl : Amannman Deklarasyon taks sou revni Ameriken
English :
Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Français :
Déclaration de revenus des particuliers aux États-Unis modifiée Español :
(la) declaración enmendada del impuesto federal sobre el ingreso personal en los EE. UU. Português :
Declaração de Imposto de Renda Individual dos EUA alterada
computer : Ex:Can you turn on the computer, please? Topic:
Egzanp. Kreyòl : òdinatè
English :
computer : Ex:Can you turn on the computer, please? Français :
ordinateur : Ex : Pouvez-vous allumer l'ordinateur, s'il vous plaît ? Español :
computadora: Ej: ¿Puedes encender la computadora, por favor? Português :
computador: Ex:Você pode ligar o computador, por favor?
coup, coup d’état: Ex: The military coup d'état abruptly overturned the government, plunging the nation into chaos. Kreyòl : koudeta
English :
coup, coup d’état: Ex: The military coup d'état abruptly overturned the government, plunging the nation into chaos. Français :
coup d'État, coup d'État : Ex : Le coup d'État militaire a brusquement renversé le gouvernement, plongeant la nation dans le chaos. Español :
golpe de estado, golpe de estado: Ej: El golpe de estado militar derrocó abruptamente al gobierno, sumiendo a la nación en el caos. Português :
golpe, golpe de estado: Ex: O golpe de estado militar derrubou abruptamente o governo, mergulhando a nação no caos.
Crosseyed eyes, eyes that turn inward Kreyòl : je tounen
English :
Crosseyed eyes, eyes that turn inward Français :
Des yeux louches, des yeux qui se tournent vers l'intérieur Español :
Ojos bizcos, ojos que se vuelven hacia adentro Português :
Olhos cruzados, olhos que se voltam para dentro
Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to turn.
to capsize, to overturn, to topple. 2. to turn over, to turn upside down, turn , turn , (v.), turn (v.), computer , Crosseyed eyes, eyes that turn inward, Crosseyed, eyes that turn inward, dark , dodge (quick turn), FIG: separe; turn off; PEJ: to have sexual relation with, focus , give oneself up, turn oneself, how , locked, shut, turn off, misdirect, turn someone's, Now its your turn, off , recently:Ex:I cleaned the bathroom most recently, so I think it’s your turn this time., right side, to the right , rotation, exchange; ball bearings; tread (tire); drum roll; movement, activity; circulation, turn-over (funds).