Creole101 is a smart Haitian Creole Dictionary in 5 languages (see Creole101). It also has Creole Proverbs, Creole Riddles, Quotes, list of 200+ English irregular verbs, Blog. And many more tools in Haitian Creole!

Dictionary: English to Creole

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above (higher), higher than
Kreyòl : pi wo pase
English : above (higher), higher than
Français : au-dessus (plus haut), plus haut que
Español : arriba (más alto), más alto que
Português : acima (mais alto), mais alto que

abridge : Ex : Moby-Dick is such a long book that even the abridged version is longer than most normal books. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : abreje
English : abridge : Ex : Moby-Dick is such a long book that even the abridged version is longer than most normal books.
Français : abréger : Ex : Moby-Dick est un livre si long que même la version abrégée est plus longue que la plupart des livres normaux.
Español : abreviar: Ej: Moby-Dick es un libro tan largo que incluso la versión abreviada es más larga que la mayoría de los libros normales.
Português : resumido: Ex: Moby-Dick é um livro tão longo que mesmo a versão resumida é mais longa do que a maioria dos livros normais.

acknoledge: Ex: The team's hard work was acknowledged by their manager with a heartfelt thank you note. [v.]
Kreyòl : rekonèt
English : acknoledge: Ex: The team's hard work was acknowledged by their manager with a heartfelt thank you note.
Français : reconnaître : Ex : le travail acharné de l'équipe a été reconnu par son responsable avec une note de remerciement sincère.
Español : reconocer: Ej: el arduo trabajo del equipo fue reconocido por su gerente con una sincera nota de agradecimiento.
Português : reconhecer: Ex: O trabalho árduo da equipe foi reconhecido por seu gerente com uma nota de agradecimento sincero.

action : Ex : Action speaks louder than words. [n.]
Kreyòl : aksyon
English : action : Ex : Action speaks louder than words.
Français : action : Ex : L'action est plus éloquente que les mots.
Español : acción: Ej: La acción habla más que las palabras.
Português : ação: Ex: Ação fala mais alto que palavras.

Actions speak louder than words Topic: Ekspresyon popilè.
Kreyòl : Aksyon pale pi fò pase mo
English : Actions speak louder than words
Français : Les actes parlent plus fort que les mots
Español : Las acciones hablan más fuerte que las palabras
Português : Ações valem mais que palavras

acumen : Ex : Thanks to his mathematical acumen, Larry could solve problems that took other students hours in mere minutes. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : pèspikasite
English : acumen : Ex : Thanks to his mathematical acumen, Larry could solve problems that took other students hours in mere minutes.
Français : perspicacité : Ex : Grâce à son sens aigu des mathématiques, Larry pouvait résoudre des problèmes qui prenaient des heures aux autres élèves en quelques minutes seulement.
Español : Perspicacia: Ej: Gracias a su perspicacia matemática, Larry podía resolver problemas que a otros estudiantes les tomaban horas en cuestión de minutos.
Português : perspicácia: Ex: Graças à sua perspicácia matemática, Larry conseguiu resolver problemas que levavam horas para outros alunos em poucos minutos.

aggregate : Ex : The three branches of the U.S. Government combine to create an aggregate much more potent than their individual components. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : total
English : aggregate : Ex : The three branches of the U.S. Government combine to create an aggregate much more potent than their individual components.
Français : agrégat : Ex : Les trois branches du gouvernement américain se combinent pour créer un agrégat beaucoup plus puissant que leurs composants individuels.
Español : agregado: Ej: Las tres ramas del gobierno de Estados Unidos se combinan para crear un agregado mucho más potente que sus componentes individuales.
Português : agregado: Ex: Os três ramos do governo dos EUA se combinam para criar um agregado muito mais potente do que seus componentes individuais.

Baby's size is larger than normal Topic: Obstetrik.
Kreyòl : Gwosè ti bebe a pi gwo pase nòmal
English : Baby's size is larger than normal
Français : La taille du bébé est plus grande que la normale
Español : El tamaño del bebé es más grande de lo normal.
Português : O tamanho do bebê é maior que o normal

be happy : Ex : Thank you! I'll do my best to keep a positive attitude. [adj. kalif.]
Kreyòl : kontan
English : be happy : Ex : Thank you! I'll do my best to keep a positive attitude.
Français : être heureux : Ex : Merci ! Je ferai de mon mieux pour garder une attitude positive.
Español : se feliz: Ej: ¡Gracias! Haré todo lo posible para mantener una actitud positiva.
Português : seja feliz: Ex: Obrigado! Farei o meu melhor para manter uma atitude positiva.

Bethany [n. p.] Topic: Vil.
Kreyòl : Betani
English : Bethany
Français : Béthanie
Español : Betania
Português : Betânia

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to than.

less than sign :Ex : 3 is less than 7., than , The sign greater than , abridge , action , Actions speak louder than words, aggregate , Baby's size is larger than normal, Better a poor horse than no horse at all, Better late than never, calamity , can't be nicer than this, costing, Don't bite off more than you can chew, epitome , fork (other than tableware), glass , greater than, greater than (keyboard).

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