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Dictionary: English to Creole

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(To take note)
Kreyòl : notè
English : (To take note)
Français : (A prendre note)
Español : (Para tomar nota)
Português : (Para tomar nota)

a preamble in storyteling. The storyteller will say krik! The audience will answer Krak!, and the storytelling takes place.
Kreyòl : krik-krak
English : a preamble in storyteling. The storyteller will say krik! The audience will answer Krak!, and the storytelling takes place.
Français : un préambule dans la narration. Le conteur dira crick ! Le public répondra à crac !, et la narration aura lieu.
Español : un preámbulo en la narración. El narrador dirá ¡Cric! El público responderá ¡Crac! y se llevará a cabo la narración.
Português : um preâmbulo na narrativa. O contador de histórias dirá krik! O público responderá Crak!, e a narração da história acontece.

aback, taken by surprise
Kreyòl : pa sipriz
English : aback, taken by surprise
Français : décontenancé, pris par surprise
Español : desprevenido, tomado por sorpresa
Português : de surpresa, pego de surpresa

Able to take medication
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : Able to take medication

administration:Ex: I will take this up with the administration. [n.] Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : administrasyon
English : administration:Ex: I will take this up with the administration.
Français : administration:Ex: j'en parlerai avec l'administration.
Español : administración:Ej: Hablaré de esto con la administración.
Português : administração:Ex: Vou abordar isso com a administração.

Advantage (take...of someone) Topic: Legal.
Kreyòl : Avantaj (pran... nan yon moun)
English : Advantage (take...of someone)
Français : Avantage (prendre... de quelqu'un)
Español : Aprovecharse de alguien
Português : Vantagem ( alguém)

amount : Ex: It take a large amount of food to feed an elephant. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : kantite lajan
English : amount : Ex: It take a large amount of food to feed an elephant.
Français : quantité : Ex : Il faut une grande quantité de nourriture pour nourrir un éléphant.
Español : cantidad: Ej: se necesita una gran cantidad de comida para alimentar a un elefante.
Português : quantidade: Ex: É necessária uma grande quantidade de comida para alimentar um elefante.

appropriate take
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : appropriate take

associate's degree: Ex: An associate's degree typically takes two years to complete. Topic: Lekòl.
Kreyòl : diplòm asosye
English : associate's degree: Ex: An associate's degree typically takes two years to complete.
Français : diplôme d'associé : Ex : un diplôme d'associé prend généralement deux ans.
Español : título de asociado: Ej: un título de asociado normalmente tarda dos años en completarse.
Português : diploma de associado: Ex: Um diploma de associado normalmente leva dois anos para ser concluído.

audacious : Ex : The security guard was taken aback by the fan's audacious attempt to bribe him. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : odasye
English : audacious : Ex : The security guard was taken aback by the fan's audacious attempt to bribe him.
Français : audacieux : Ex : L'agent de sécurité a été surpris par la tentative audacieuse du fan de le soudoyer.
Español : audaz: Ej: El guardia de seguridad quedó desconcertado por el audaz intento del aficionado de sobornarlo.
Português : audacioso: Ex: O segurança ficou surpreso com a tentativa audaciosa do torcedor de suborná-lo.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to take.

gamble; chance; risk; hazard; take chances; adventure; run a risk; take a chance, gamble; chance; risk; hazard; take chances; adventure; run a risk; take a chance, take advantage of, Take care! Take care of yourself!, take it easy, take care to (do something), take; Ex:Please take home some of these apples, to take , to take medicine, take your medicine, Able to take medication, administration:Ex: I will take this up with the administration., Advantage (take...of someone), amount , appropriate take, Can you take a picture please? Or a selfie if you want to be in it?, Can you take me to the doctor? I just broke my leg falling for you., census take a, course , deal with someone (positively or negatively), to get rid of, eliminate; to look after someone.'s needs, to take care of, decide .

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