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Dictionary: English to Creole

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1 Results for kiss : Ex : Kissing is a way people show love or affection by touching lips or cheeks.

kiss : Ex : Kissing is a way people show love or affection by touching lips or cheeks. [n.]
Kreyòl : bo
English : kiss : Ex : Kissing is a way people show love or affection by touching lips or cheeks.
Français : baiser : Ex : Embrasser est une façon dont les gens montrent de l'amour ou de l'affection en touchant les lèvres ou les joues.
Español : beso: Ej: Besar es una forma en que las personas muestran amor o afecto tocando los labios o las mejillas.
Português : beijo: Ex: Beijar é uma forma de as pessoas demonstrarem amor ou carinho tocando os lábios ou bochechas.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to kiss : Ex : Kissing is a way people show love or affection by touching lips or cheeks..

Milky Way; Milky Way Galaxy; Milky Way System, give her a kiss, give hime a kiss, love, to love, to like. I love you
love your neighbor
He/She likes hot chocalate
I would like you to come tomorrow
, show , affection love, kissing, bracing , cheek, cheeks, Cheeks, by the way , so, so much, such a way , way:Ex: Can you look this way?, aggrandize , project, to associate (with); asssociate; friend, partisan, favoritism LIT: Your own people, people , You can fall from a tree, you can fall from a horse, but the best way to fall is to fall in love with me..

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