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Dictionary: English to Creole

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(v.), scratch, shave off
Kreyòl : grate plim bab
English : (v.), scratch, shave off
Français : (V.), Scratch, raser
Español : (V.), Al rayado, afeitarse
Português : (v.), coçar, raspar

after : Ex: Let’s have dinner after work. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : apre
English : after : Ex: Let’s have dinner after work.
Français : après : Ex : Allons dîner après le travail.
Español : después: Ej: Cenemos después del trabajo.
Português : depois: Ex: Vamos jantar depois do trabalho.

after shave [expr.]
Kreyòl : Aftèchev
English : after shave
Français : crême après rasage
Español : crema para después del afeitado
Português : creme pós barba

amuse oneself / have fun [v.]
Kreyòl : amize tèt li
English : amuse oneself / have fun
Français : s'amuser
Español : divertirse
Português : divertir-se

another : Ex:I’ll have another glass of wine, please. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : yon lòt
English : another : Ex:I’ll have another glass of wine, please.
Français : un autre : Ex : Je vais prendre un autre verre de vin, s'il vous plaît.
Español : otro: Ej: tomaré otra copa de vino, por favor.
Português : outro: Ex:Vou tomar outra taça de vinho, por favor.

anthology : Ex : The new anthology of Bob Dylan songs contains all his greatest hits and a few songs that you might never have heard before. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : antoloji
English : anthology : Ex : The new anthology of Bob Dylan songs contains all his greatest hits and a few songs that you might never have heard before.
Français : anthologie : Ex : La nouvelle anthologie des chansons de Bob Dylan contient tous ses plus grands succès et quelques chansons que vous n'avez peut-être jamais entendues auparavant.
Español : antología: Ejemplo: la nueva antología de canciones de Bob Dylan contiene todos sus grandes éxitos y algunas canciones que quizás nunca antes hayas escuchado.
Português : antologia: Ex: A nova antologia de músicas de Bob Dylan contém todos os seus maiores sucessos e algumas músicas que você talvez nunca tenha ouvido antes.

any :Ex:Have you had any luck on your research? Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : nenpòt
English : any :Ex:Have you had any luck on your research?
Français : any :Ex:Avez-vous eu de la chance dans vos recherches ?
Español : cualquiera :Ej:¿Has tenido suerte en tu investigación?
Português : qualquer :Ex:Você teve alguma sorte em sua pesquisa?

Are we on the Hogwarts Express? Because I have a feeling that you and I are going somewhere magical! Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Èske nou sou Hogwarts Express la? Paske mwen gen yon santiman ke ou menm ak mwen pral yon kote majik!
English : Are we on the Hogwarts Express? Because I have a feeling that you and I are going somewhere magical!
Français : Est-ce qu’on est sur le Poudlard Express? Parce que j’ai l’impression que toi et moi allons dans un endroit magique!
Español : Are we on the Hogwarts Express? Because I have a feeling that you and I are going somewhere magical!
Português : Estamos no Expresso de Hogwarts? Porque tenho a sensação de que você e eu estamos indo para algum lugar mágico!

Are you a bank loan? Because you have my best interest! Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Èske w se yon prè labank? Paske ou gen pi bon enterè mwen!
English : Are you a bank loan? Because you have my best interest!
Français : Es-tu un prêt bancaire? Parce que tu as tout mon intérêt!
Español : Are you a bank loan? Because you have my best interest!
Português : Você é um empréstimo bancário? Porque você tem o meu melhor interesse!

asylum, haven
Kreyòl : azil
English : asylum, haven
Français : asile, refuge
Español : asilo, refugio
Português : asilo, refúgio

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to have.

have , Have you been in close contact with someone who is known to have COVID-19?, to have power over, to have effect upon, to have to, You have balls; You have guts, after , amuse oneself / have fun, another , anthology , any :Ex:Have you had any luck on your research?, Are we on the Hogwarts Express? Because I have a feeling that you and I are going somewhere magical!, Are you a bank loan? Because you have my best interest!, big , brother , calvary; suffering, trial, tribulation. pase kalvè: to suffer, to have a hard time., Can I have your address, cause , choice , circumspect , crime.

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