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Dictionary: English to Creole

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fastidious : Ex : Mark is so meticulous that he is never able to complete a project because it always appears imperfect to him. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : fastidious
English : fastidious : Ex : Mark is so meticulous that he is never able to complete a project because it always appears imperfect to him.
Français : fastidieux : Ex : Mark est tellement méticuleux qu'il n'arrive jamais à mener à bien un projet car celui-ci lui paraît toujours imparfait.
Español : fastidioso: Ej: Mark es tan meticuloso que nunca puede completar un proyecto porque siempre le parece imperfecto.
Português : meticuloso: Ex: Mark é tão meticuloso que nunca consegue concluir um projeto porque sempre lhe parece imperfeito.

meticulous : Ex : Mark's fastidious nature prevents him from completing projects as he always perceives them as imperfect. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : metikuleu
English : meticulous : Ex : Mark's fastidious nature prevents him from completing projects as he always perceives them as imperfect.
Français : méticuleux : Ex : La nature exigeante de Mark l'empêche de mener à bien ses projets car il les perçoit toujours comme imparfaits.
Español : Meticuloso: Ej: La naturaleza fastidiosa de Mark le impide completar proyectos porque siempre los percibe como imperfectos.
Português : meticuloso: Ex: A natureza meticulosa de Mark o impede de concluir projetos, pois ele sempre os considera imperfeitos.

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