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Dictionary: English to Creole

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demure : Ex :While everyone else at the party danced and went wild, she maintained a demure demeanor. [adj] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : demire
English : demure : Ex :While everyone else at the party danced and went wild, she maintained a demure demeanor.
Français : sage : Ex : Alors que tout le monde à la fête dansait et se déchaînait, elle a maintenu une attitude sage.
Español : recatada: Ej: Mientras todos los demás en la fiesta bailaban y se volvían locos, ella mantuvo una conducta recatada.
Português : recatada: Ex: Enquanto todos os outros na festa dançavam e enlouqueciam, ela manteve um comportamento recatado.

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