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Dictionary: English to Creole

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adept : Ex : "I enjoy eating fresh apricots in the summer."
Kreyòl : abil
English : adept : Ex : "I enjoy eating fresh apricots in the summer."
Français : adepte : Ex : "J'aime manger des abricots frais en été."
Español : adepto: Ej: "Disfruto comiendo albaricoques frescos en el verano".
Português : adepto: Ex: "Gosto de comer damascos frescos no verão."

adept : Ex : Mawkli was adept at jumping from tree to tree like a monkey. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : abil
English : adept : Ex : Mawkli was adept at jumping from tree to tree like a monkey.
Français : adepte : Ex : Mawkli était adepte de sauter d'arbre en arbre comme un singe.
Español : adepto: Ej: Mawkli era experto en saltar de árbol en árbol como un mono.
Português : adepto: Ex: Mawkli era especialista em pular de árvore em árvore como um macaco.

nuance : Ex : The nuances of the poem weren't apparent to the casual reader, but the professor was adept at highlighting them. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : nuans
English : nuance : Ex : The nuances of the poem weren't apparent to the casual reader, but the professor was adept at highlighting them.
Français : nuance : Ex : Les nuances du poème n'étaient pas évidentes pour le lecteur occasionnel, mais le professeur savait les mettre en valeur.
Español : matiz: Ej: Los matices del poema no eran evidentes para el lector casual, pero el profesor era experto en resaltarlos.
Português : nuance: Ex: As nuances do poema não eram aparentes para o leitor casual, mas o professor era especialista em destacá-las.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to adept.

adept , nuance .

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