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Dictionary: English to Creole

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interlocutor : Ex : When the officials couldn't reach a consensus on the appropriate flag cover, the prime minister served as an interlocutor. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : entèrlokuteur
English : interlocutor : Ex : When the officials couldn't reach a consensus on the appropriate flag cover, the prime minister served as an interlocutor.
Français : interlocuteur : Ex : Lorsque les responsables ne parvenaient pas à un consensus sur la couverture du drapeau appropriée, le Premier ministre servait d'interlocuteur.
Español : Interlocutor: Ej: Cuando los funcionarios no pudieron llegar a un consenso sobre la portada adecuada de la bandera, el primer ministro actuó como interlocutor.
Português : interlocutor: Ex: Quando as autoridades não conseguiram chegar a um consenso sobre a cobertura apropriada da bandeira, o primeiro-ministro serviu de interlocutor.

oration : Ex : The prime minister was visibly shaken when the unruly parliament interrupted his speech about failed domestic policies. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : orasyon
English : oration : Ex : The prime minister was visibly shaken when the unruly parliament interrupted his speech about failed domestic policies.
Français : discours : Ex : Le Premier ministre a été visiblement secoué lorsque le parlement indiscipliné a interrompu son discours sur l'échec des politiques intérieures.
Español : Oración: Ejemplo: El primer ministro quedó visiblemente conmocionado cuando el parlamento rebelde interrumpió su discurso sobre las políticas internas fallidas.
Português : oração: Ex: O primeiro-ministro ficou visivelmente abalado quando o indisciplinado parlamento interrompeu seu discurso sobre políticas internas fracassadas.

Prime Minister; PM; premier
Kreyòl : Premye Minis
English : Prime Minister; PM; premier
Français : premier ministre
Español : Primer ministro
Português : Primeiro ministro; PM; primeiro-ministro

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to Prime Minister.

prime number , oration , Prime Minister; PM; premier, curate; minister of religion; minister; parson; pastor; rector, minister (government) , prime, prime, prime (v.), prime meridian, Minister, minister polit, minister religious, ordained minister.

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