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Dictionary: English to Creole

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Ex.: His feet stink [adj.]
Kreyòl : mayas
English : Ex.: His feet stink
Français : Ex.: Ses pieds puent
Español : n: el hedor, el tufo, la hediondez; v: apestar, oler mal, heder Ej.: Sus pies apestan
Português : n: o fedor, o mau cheiro;
v: feder , tresandar , empestearEx.: Seus pés fedem

stink [v./adj.]
Kreyòl : santi
English : stink
Français : puer, sentir
Español : hedor
Português : fedor

puerile : Ex : The judge called for order following the lawyer's puerile attempt to object by stomping his feet on the courtroom floor. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : puerile
English : puerile : Ex : The judge called for order following the lawyer's puerile attempt to object by stomping his feet on the courtroom floor.
Français : puéril : Ex : Le juge a rappelé à l'ordre suite à la tentative puérile de l'avocat de s'opposer en tapant du pied sur le parquet de la salle d'audience.
Español : pueril: Ej: El juez pidió orden tras el intento pueril del abogado de objetar pisoteando el suelo de la sala.
Português : pueril: Ex: O juiz pediu ordem após a tentativa pueril do advogado de se opor, batendo os pés no chão do tribunal.

intimation : Ex : Mr. Brinford hinted at his imminent passing when he started discussing the distribution of his belongings among his children. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : entitasyon
English : intimation : Ex : Mr. Brinford hinted at his imminent passing when he started discussing the distribution of his belongings among his children.
Français : indication : Ex : M. Brinford a fait allusion à son décès imminent lorsqu'il a commencé à discuter de la répartition de ses biens entre ses enfants.
Español : intimación: Ejemplo: El Sr. Brinford insinuó su inminente fallecimiento cuando comenzó a discutir la distribución de sus pertenencias entre sus hijos.
Português : insinuação: Ex: O Sr. Brinford sugeriu seu falecimento iminente quando começou a discutir a distribuição de seus pertences entre seus filhos.

intransigent : Ex : The stubborn child insisted on having 12 scoops of ice cream, threatening to bang his head against the wall until his mother fainted from fear if he didn't get his way. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : entransigent
English : intransigent : Ex : The stubborn child insisted on having 12 scoops of ice cream, threatening to bang his head against the wall until his mother fainted from fear if he didn't get his way.
Français : intransigeant : Ex : L'enfant têtu insistait pour avoir 12 boules de glace, menaçant de se cogner la tête contre le mur jusqu'à ce que sa mère s'évanouisse de peur s'il n'obtenait pas ce qu'il voulait.
Español : intransigente: Ej: El niño testarudo insistía en tomar 12 bolas de helado, amenazando con golpearse la cabeza contra la pared hasta que su madre se desmayaba de miedo si no se salía con la suya.
Português : intransigente: Ex: A criança teimosa insistiu em tomar 12 bolas de sorvete, ameaçando bater a cabeça na parede até que sua mãe desmaiasse de medo se ele não conseguisse o que queria.

fractious : Ex : Despite the child's insistence that he wasn't tired, his fractious behavior, notably his decision to crush his cheese and crackers all over the floor, convinced everyone present that it was time to put him to bed. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : fraktiye
English : fractious : Ex : Despite the child's insistence that he wasn't tired, his fractious behavior, notably his decision to crush his cheese and crackers all over the floor, convinced everyone present that it was time to put him to bed.
Français : grincheux : Ex : Malgré l'insistance de l'enfant sur le fait qu'il n'était pas fatigué, son comportement grincheux, notamment sa décision d'écraser son fromage et ses crackers partout sur le sol, a convaincu toutes les personnes présentes qu'il était temps de le coucher.
Español : rebelde: Ej: A pesar de la insistencia del niño en que no estaba cansado, su comportamiento rebelde, en particular su decisión de aplastar el queso y las galletas saladas por todo el suelo, convenció a todos los presentes de que era hora de acostarlo.
Português : rebelde: Ex: Apesar da insistência da criança de que não estava cansado, seu comportamento rebelde, principalmente sua decisão de esmagar o queijo e os biscoitos no chão, convenceu todos os presentes de que era hora de colocá-lo na cama.

bequeath : Ex : Jon's father left his entire estate to his mother in his will. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : lèg
English : bequeath : Ex : Jon's father left his entire estate to his mother in his will.
Français : léguer : Ex : Le père de Jon a légué la totalité de sa succession à sa mère dans son testament.
Español : legado: Ej: el padre de Jon dejó todo su patrimonio a su madre en su testamento.
Português : legado: Ex: O pai de Jon deixou todos os seus bens para sua mãe em seu testamento.

standing on military feet
Kreyòl : kanpe sou de pye militè
English : standing on military feet
Français : debout sur des pieds militaires
Español : de pie sobre pies militares
Português : de pé sobre pés militares

to maintain a social distance (of 6 feet) [n.] Topic: Medikal.
Kreyòl : kenbe yon distans sosyal
English : to maintain a social distance (of 6 feet)
Français : maintenir une distance sociale (de 6 pieds)
Español : mantener un distanciamiento físico (de seis pies)
Português : manter uma distância social (de 6 pés)

tube feet [n.] Topic: Syans.
Kreyòl : podya
English : tube feet
Français : pieds de tube
Español : pies de tubo
Português : pés tubulares

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