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Dictionary: Spanish to Creole

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EE. UU. (for all Spanish SSA ralated items ony the acronym is used, per RAE since it is an abbreviation, and not an acronym, it must be written with periods and a space between the two pairs of letters. )
Kreyòl : Etazini (U.S.)
English : United States (U.S.)
Français : États-Unis (États-Unis)
Español : EE. UU. (for all Spanish SSA ralated items ony the acronym is used, per RAE since it is an abbreviation, and not an acronym, it must be written with periods and a space between the two pairs of letters. )
Português : Estados Unidos (EUA)

Office of Public Inquiries and Communications Support (Oficina de Preguntas del Público y Ayuda para Trámites de Comunicaciones)
Kreyòl : Biwo Ankèt Piblik ak Sipò Kominikasyon
English : Office of Public Inquiries and Communications Support
Français : Bureau des enquêtes publiques et de l'appui aux communications
Español : Office of Public Inquiries and Communications Support (Oficina de Preguntas del Público y Ayuda para Trámites de Comunicaciones)
Português : Gabinete de Inquérito Público e Apoio à Comunicação

Office of Public and Employee Communications (oficina de comunicaciones públicas y de empleados del Seguro Social
Kreyòl : Biwo Kominikasyon Piblik ak Anplwaye (Biwo Entèn OCOMM)
English : Office of Public and Employee Communications (OCOMM internal office)
Français : Bureau des communications avec le public et les employés (bureau interne de l'OCOMM)
Español : Office of Public and Employee Communications (oficina de comunicaciones públicas y de empleados del Seguro Social
Português : Gabinete de Comunicação Pública e dos Empregados (escritório interno do OCOMM)

Are we on the Hogwarts Express? Because I have a feeling that you and I are going somewhere magical! Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Èske nou sou Hogwarts Express la? Paske mwen gen yon santiman ke ou menm ak mwen pral yon kote majik!
English : Are we on the Hogwarts Express? Because I have a feeling that you and I are going somewhere magical!
Français : Est-ce qu’on est sur le Poudlard Express? Parce que j’ai l’impression que toi et moi allons dans un endroit magique!
Español : Are we on the Hogwarts Express? Because I have a feeling that you and I are going somewhere magical!
Português : Estamos no Expresso de Hogwarts? Porque tenho a sensação de que você e eu estamos indo para algum lugar mágico!

The sea is made for swimming, the wind for blowing, and me for loving you. Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Lanmè a fèt pou naje, van an pou soufle, e mwen renmen ou.
English : The sea is made for swimming, the wind for blowing, and me for loving you.
Français : La mer est faite pour nager, le vent pour souffler, et moi pour t’aimer.
Español : The sea is made for swimming, the wind for blowing, and me for loving you.
Português : O mar foi feito para nadar, o vento para soprar e eu para te amar.

I think your name is Wi-Fi, because I feel a strong connection between you and me. Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Mwen panse ke non ou se Wi-Fi, paske mwen santi yon koneksyon solid ant ou menm ak mwen.
English : I think your name is Wi-Fi, because I feel a strong connection between you and me.
Français : Je pense que tu t’appelles Wi-Fi, car je ressens une forte connexion entre toi et moi.
Español : I think your name is Wi-Fi, because I feel a strong connection between you and me.
Português : Acho que seu nome é Wi-Fi, porque sinto uma forte conexão entre você e eu.

My name is Prince, and I’m charming. Someone said you were looking for me. Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Mwen rele Prens, e mwen chaman. Yon moun di m ou t ap chèche m.
English : My name is Prince, and I’m charming. Someone said you were looking for me.
Français : Je m’appelle Prince et je suis charmant. Quelqu’un m’a dit que tu me cherchais.
Español : My name is Prince, and I’m charming. Someone said you were looking for me.
Português : Meu nome é Prince e sou encantador. Alguém disse que você estava me procurando.

I was blinded by your beauty; I will need your name and phone number for my health insurance. Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Mwen te avèg pa bèlte ou; Mwen pral bezwen non w ak nimewo telefòn ou pou asirans sante mwen an.
English : I was blinded by your beauty; I will need your name and phone number for my health insurance.
Français : J’ai été aveuglé(e) par ta beauté ; je vais avoir besoin de ton nom et de ton numéro de téléphone pour mon assurance maladie.
Español : I was blinded by your beauty; I will need your name and phone number for my health insurance.
Português : Fiquei cego pela sua beleza; Vou precisar do seu nome e número de telefone para meu seguro saúde.

(el) vehículo (carro, coche and auto are used in other but for SSA purpose use "vehículo")
Kreyòl : oto (transpò)
English : auto (transportation)
Français : automobile (transport)
Español : (el) vehículo (carro, coche and auto are used in other but for SSA purpose use "vehículo")
Português : automóvel (transporte)

Do you have a light? I want to light my cigarette and your heart at the same time! Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Ou gen yon limyè? Mwen vle limen sigarèt mwen ak kè ou an menm tan!
English : Do you have a light? I want to light my cigarette and your heart at the same time!
Français : Est-ce que tu as du feu ? J’aimerais allumer ma cigarette et ton cœur, en même temps !
Español : Do you have a light? I want to light my cigarette and your heart at the same time!
Português : Você tem um isqueiro? Quero acender meu cigarro e seu coração ao mesmo tempo!

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