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  • Album: 2Gether
  • Lyrics: Regular Guy
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I'm the kinda guy
a girl takes home to mom
with pleated Khaki pants
cologne that's the bomb
sure smell purdy, purdy

Shake her dad's hand
and look him in the eye
And tell him straight up
"I'm just a regular guy"
I'll have her home by 9 sir

And I'm a regular guy
who stays out of trouble
A regular guy
says "Ma'am on the double"
I'm a regular guy
just like "Dawson's Creek"
A regular guy
just don't call me a geek, a geek
Yah ha

& sometimes
I remember
what got me here
It was fightin & cussin
back off I'm in a boy band
And showing no fear

ok alright time now
hehe hehe hehe BURP hehe....

I watch Jay Leno
hes funny
7th heaven, too
And I ask myself sometimes
"what would Jesus do?"
grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
I'm buds with my Mom
nd I hang out wiht my Dad
Hes my buddy hahahehah
I play every thing safe
so I'll never be sad
boo hoo

And I'm a regular guy
who stays out of trouble
A regular guy
says "Ma'am on the double"
I'm a regular guy
just like "Dawson's Creek"
A regular guy
just don't call me a geek, a geek
dont push me!

Sometimes I wanna
smash things
Get jacked up
And whacked up
And havta pee in a cup
Who's your problem

haheha ehh hahah

And I'm a regular guy
who stays out of trouble
A regular guy
says "Ma'am on the double"
I'm a regular guy
just like "Dawson's Creek"
A regular guy
just don't call me a geek, a geek

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