We couldn't find exact results for "the law".
Here are some results close to "the law".
according to the law [n.] Topic:
Legal. Kreyòl : daprè lalwa
English :
according to the law Français :
selon la loi, d'après la loi Español :
de acuerdo con la ley Português :
de acordo com a lei
annul : Ex : After seeing its unforeseen and catastrophic effects, Congress sought to annul the law. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : anile
English :
annul : Ex : After seeing its unforeseen and catastrophic effects, Congress sought to annul the law. Français :
annuler : Ex : Après avoir constaté ses effets imprévus et catastrophiques, le Congrès a cherché à annuler la loi. Español :
anular: Ej: Después de ver sus efectos imprevistos y catastróficos, el Congreso intentó anular la ley. Português :
anular: Ex: Depois de ver seus efeitos imprevistos e catastróficos, o Congresso procurou anular a lei.
Break (the law) Topic:
Legal. Kreyòl : vyole (lwa)
English :
Break (the law) Français :
Enfreindre la loi) Español :
Quebrantar / contravenir / violar Português :
Quebre (a lei)
break : Ex: Don’t break the law. Topic:
Egzanp. Kreyòl : kraze
English :
break : Ex: Don’t break the law. Français :
break : Ex : N'enfreignez pas la loi. Español :
romper: Ej: No infrinjas la ley. Português :
break: Ex: Não infrinja a lei.
circumscribed : Ex : The children were allowed to play tag only within a meticulously circumscribed area of the lawn. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : sikonskri
English :
circumscribed : Ex : The children were allowed to play tag only within a meticulously circumscribed area of the lawn. Français :
circonscrit : Ex : Les enfants n'étaient autorisés à jouer à chat que dans une zone soigneusement délimitée de la pelouse. Español :
circunscrito: Ej: A los niños se les permitió jugar a la mancha sólo dentro de un área del césped meticulosamente circunscrita. Português :
circunscrito: Ex: As crianças só podiam brincar de pega-pega dentro de uma área meticulosamente circunscrita do gramado.
immutable : Ex : The laws of physics are unchanging and constant. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : imuitab
English :
immutable : Ex : The laws of physics are unchanging and constant. Français :
immuable : Ex : Les lois de la physique sont immuables et constantes. Español :
inmutable: Ej: Las leyes de la física son inmutables y constantes. Português :
imutável: Ex: As leis da física são imutáveis e constantes.
mutable : Ex : The laws of physics remain immutable and consistent. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : mutab
English :
mutable : Ex : The laws of physics remain immutable and consistent. Français :
mutable : Ex : Les lois de la physique restent immuables et cohérentes. Español :
mutable: Ej: Las leyes de la física permanecen inmutables y consistentes. Português :
mutável: Ex: As leis da física permanecem imutáveis e consistentes.
principle of relativity : Ex : The principle of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference. Topic:
Fizik. Kreyòl : prensip relativite
English :
principle of relativity : Ex : The principle of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference. Français :
principe de relativité : Ex : Le principe de relativité stipule que les lois de la physique sont les mêmes dans tous les référentiels inertiels. Español :
principio de relatividad: Ej: El principio de relatividad establece que las leyes de la física son las mismas en todos los sistemas de referencia inerciales. Português :
princípio da relatividade: Ex: O princípio da relatividade afirma que as leis da física são as mesmas em todos os referenciais inerciais.
puerile : Ex : The judge called for order following the lawyer's puerile attempt to object by stomping his feet on the courtroom floor. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : puerile
English :
puerile : Ex : The judge called for order following the lawyer's puerile attempt to object by stomping his feet on the courtroom floor. Français :
puéril : Ex : Le juge a rappelé à l'ordre suite à la tentative puérile de l'avocat de s'opposer en tapant du pied sur le parquet de la salle d'audience. Español :
pueril: Ej: El juez pidió orden tras el intento pueril del abogado de objetar pisoteando el suelo de la sala. Português :
pueril: Ex: O juiz pediu ordem após a tentativa pueril do advogado de se opor, batendo os pés no chão do tribunal.
rule: Ex: It’s the rule of the law [n.] Topic:
Egzanp. Kreyòl : règ
English :
rule: Ex: It’s the rule of the law Français :
règle : Ex : C'est la primauté du droit Español :
regla: Ej: Es el estado de derecho Português :
regra: Ex: É o estado de direito
Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to the law.
fundamental law; organic law; constitution, international law; law of nations, law , the law, aba , Acknowledgement of receipt (law: verification), Act (law), administrative law judge, advocate; counsel; counselor; counsellor; counselor-at-law; pleader, Affidavit of Financial Support and Intent to Petition for Legal Custody for Public Law 97-359 Amerasian (Form I-361), American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging, annul , Anti-discrimination law, Applicable law, Boyle's law, Break (the law), break , brother-in-law, brother-in-law.