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Uuh uh
Do do do do do do
Do do do do do do

Ooh oh
Do do do do do do
Do do do do do do

Simon says that now your mind desires a vacation,
Free to join in fun and plenty recreation.
There awaits you a ticket
At Please Have A Good Time Station,
'Cause what is, is gonna stay,
Til ole Father Time decides to change.

Simon says that your mind is requesting furliugh,
Let it find the answers to things
That you've always wanted to know.
There's a tour of many places
That you've always wanted to go,
And to me that sure sounds best
'Cause it means happiness for you.

There is so much in life for you to feel
Unfound in white, red, or yellow pills.
A mind excursion can be such a trill,
You please satisfy,
Take a chance and ride
The bird of beauty of the sky.

Do do do do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do do do do

Tudo bem voce deve descannar a sua mente,
Nao faz mal o qu vai acontecer daqui pra fente.
Vai cantar alegria.......
Voce coracao assim tao feliz ja vai cantar carnaval.

There is so much in life for you to feel
Unfound in white, red, or yellow pills.
A mind excursion can be such a trill,
You please satisfy,
Take a chance and ride
The bird of beauty of the sky.

Do do do do do do
Do do do do do do (The bird of beauty of the sky)

Do do do do do do
Do do do do do do (The bird of beauty of the sky)

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