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I can see my destination , I can hear my call
No more hesitation this time I'm going for all
Cause I know where this road leads to and therefore I will rise,
I know this dream will come true, an I will soar the sky

Spirit spirit would you guide me
Spirit spirit stand by me
C'mon and c'mon and c'mon and
set me free

I can feel the penetration, of a strong wind moving me
I can feel the elevation, of an angel lifting me,
Cause i know where this road leads to and therefore I will rise
I know this dream will come true, an I will soar the sky

Spirit spirit would you guide me
oh oh Spirit spirit standing by me
C'mon and c'mon and c'mon and
set me free

Whoa whoa spirit
Now that I found my way home
I'm gotta get there get there
No one step seems more miles long
No bridge before my face, I will take the leap of faith

Spirit spirit would you guide me
Spirit spirit stand by me
Spirit spirit Set me free
Spirit spirit Spirit spirit spirit Set me free
Spirit come and find my way spirit stand by my side
Spirit take my hand and be my guide
Spirit run free spirit run free run free run free spirit run free

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