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Dearly beloved, why did you go
When being with you forever is all I hope
Slowly the rain is falling in our home
Come back and start right from going wrong
I'll be still until I hear from you
And I'll be waiting until you return this message

A religious love for you baby
Every night I pray
That heaven will send you back to me
Baby you're all I ever needed
Religious love for ya baby
Every night I pray
That someday I'll have you for my wife
Baby you are my life, please believe me

For only God knows how much I miss you
And for us to be one it takes two
So don't you go dying on me not right now
Please change the impossible to somehow
I'll be still there until I hear from you
And I'll be praying until you return this message

In the middle of the night, I'll be callin' you
Every single breath I take I hope to see you there
If you should ever need, if ever you need a friend
Baby I am here and don't forget to remember me

Oh baby, come to me - don't leave me lonely
I need you here with me so return this message


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