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Here I am on my own
It gets hard sometimes when I'm traveling this empty world
All alone I get tired
And oh I get oh so weak
And I need for someone to come and rescue me

To help me along to catch when I miss
To show me where I oughta be
So I can be strong and face all of this

That my life tries to discourage me with.
With a little luck will I find you
And if I do it is you who'll make my dreams come true
Just a little bit of happiness
Is all that I wish

And I hope that you can grant me this
When I look at my life
And where I've been
And I wonder if the story has a happy end,

Like they always do, but if my wish comes true
I just hope and pray I always can depend on you
To help me along to catch when I miss
To show me where I oughta be
So I can be strong and face all of this

That my life tries to discourage me with.
With a little luck will I find you
And if I do it is you who'll make my dreams come true
Just a little bit of happiness

Is all that I wish
And I hope that you can grant me this [Repeat]
[fade out]

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