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I don't need no million dollars
- just need a couple of bucks
don't need no life insurance -
I just need a little luck
I don't care if the sun don't
shine - as long as it don't rain all week
and I don't care if I don't reach
the top - but when it comes to you and me ... oh ya

I don't need a piece of your heart
oh ya - I'm in need of every part
I want it all - I want it all
I want everything you got
I don't need a piece of your heart
I want it all

I don't wanna go through no long
good-bye's - I don't mind being apart
I don't need no fancy car - as
long as we can make it start...oh ya

I don't need a piece of your heart
oh ya - I'm need of every part
I want it all - I want it all
I want everything you got
I don't need a piece of your heart
I want it all
so'ill sister come to me - put
everything in harmony - irie!

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