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  • Album: 2Gether
  • Lyrics: You're My Baby Girl
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12th of April we decided it was time
I was feeling good, you were looking fine
on the basement floor with TRL behind
You were loving me with Carson Daly on your mind

You're my baby girl
you know that you are
You're my honeybunch
my sweet lucky star
So put your hand in mine
I will slap your sweet behind
you're my baby girl

E is for Erin and making out with you
R is for wrong that's what you like to do
I is for eyes that are smiling at me
N is for nasty which we do constantly

You're my baby girl
you know that you are
You're my honeybunch
my sweet lucky star
So put your hand in mine
I will slap your sweet behind
you're my baby girl

Hot dogs and hamburger, unzip me please
Erin likes ketchup but go easy on the cheese
I like to look down on her naked from above
She's just like Gwyneth Paltrow
I'm like Shakespeare in Love!

You're my baby girl
you know that you are
You're my honeybunch
my sweet lucky star
So put your hand in mine
I will slap your sweet behind

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