🗓️ Ann pale de tan (Jou, Mwa & Sezon)

Paj sa a gen 50 mo vokabilè pi popilè nan lis vokabilè tematik sa a: Ann pale de tan (Jou, Mwa & Sezon). Sèvi ak paj sa a pou anrichi vokabilè w nan eksplore mo ki nan lis anba a. Klike sou ikòn "" a pou w wè tradiksyon an. Pa bliye tcheke fraz egzanp ki pi ba yo pou w wè ki jan mo sa yo itilize nan kontèks. Retounen nan Lis Tematik la.

Vokabilè ki pi popilè nan tèm sa a

Lendi a  
Monday (the Monday)

Madi a  
Tuesday (the Tuesday)

Mèkredi a  
Wednesday (the Wednesday)

Jedi a  
Thursday (the Thursday)

Vandredi a  
Friday (the Friday)

Samdi a  
Saturday (the Saturday)

Dimanch lan  
Sunday (the Sunday)

Semèn nan  
The week

Mwa a  
The month

Janvye a  
January (the January)

Egzanp fraz ak vokabilè pou tèm sa a

Lendi a se premye jou semèn nan.  
Monday is the first day of the week.

Madi a ap vini apre lendi a.  
Tuesday comes after Monday.

Mèkredi a, mwen toujou gen randevou a.  
On Wednesday, I always have the appointment.

Jedi a se jou mwen travay pi plis.  
Thursday is the day I work the most.

Vandredi a, mwen renmen planifye wikenn lan.  
On Friday, I like to plan the weekend.

Samdi a se jou mwen fè makèt.  
Saturday is the day I go shopping.

Dimanch lan se jou pou repo.  
Sunday is the day for rest.

Semèn nan gentan fini, mwen regrèt sa.  
The week is already over, I’m sorry about that.

Mwa a gen trant jou oswa trant youn.  
The month has thirty or thirty-one days.

Janvye a se kòmansman ane a.  
January is the start of the year.


Translation and definition

English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Lots of sentence examples. Synonyms. Antonyms. Popular expressions.


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