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Dictionary: English to Creole

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1 Results for Your father is a thief, he stole all the stars in the sky to put them in your eyes.

Your father is a thief, he stole all the stars in the sky to put them in your eyes. Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Papa ou se yon vòlè, li vòlè tout zetwal nan syèl la pou mete yo nan je ou.
English : Your father is a thief, he stole all the stars in the sky to put them in your eyes.
Français : Ton père est un voleur, il a volé toutes les étoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux
Español : Tu padre es un ladrón, robó todas las estrellas del cielo para ponértelas en tus ojos.
Português : Seu pai é um ladrão, ele roubou todas as estrelas do céu para colocá-las nos seus olhos.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to Your father is a thief, he stole all the stars in the sky to put them in your eyes..

beguile , his eyes, her eyes, its eyes, cat burglar, sneak thief, master thief, one thousand, father , father, dad , Don't put all your eggs in one basket, guile , beady eyes; winking eyes, Crosseyed eyes, eyes that turn inward, eyes, green eyes; light-colored eyes; Caucasian person, squinting eyes, strabismic eyes, squinting eyes, strabismic eyes, squinting eyes, strabismic eyes, squinting eyes, strabismic eyes, The only thing your eyes don’t tell me is your name., any, any of them, either of them, them .

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